Litworth Premium Membership
Get Full Access to Our Database of 2,175 Publishers that Pay Writers (And Take Our Brand New Pitching Course)
We offer the most comprehensive and well-researched database of publications on the internet, designed specifically for freelance writers. (Note, we intentionally avoid publishers that focus on just publishing creative writing. That means we’re entirely focused on the freelance market.)
We offer more than just our extensive database. Here’s what your membership includes:
- Access our exclusive database of over 2,000 publishers that pay writers, so you can find the right opportunities and know who to contact and how much they pay.
- Get full access to our brand new pitching course.
- Join live meetings with expert freelance writers and editors, so you can gain direct insight from professionals in the field.
- Receive feedback on your pitches, so you can improve your chances of getting published and move forward in your freelance writing career.
- Get regular updates with more magazines, websites, writing jobs, and publishers that pay writers, so you can stay current with new opportunities.
Join COMPLETELY FREE for 30 Days. Then just pay $79 per year. ($6.60 per month.) Cancel any time.